April 02, 2007

PDF Viewer with pluPDF Viewer with plugin support (other than adobe acrobat)

PDF Viewer with plugin support (other than adobe acrobat)

Hi, I am looking for some pdf viewer which supports customized plug-ins (to extract metadata from PDF doc) other than acrobat. I have modified the text annotation by changing the sub-type name from 'text' to my custom name.

In the title of this annotation I store my metadata (e.g. the row id of some table in oracle). I have written a plugin to handle this custom annotation, to extract this metadata and pass it to the calling application (actually, acrobat is embedded in this calling application).

I need a PDF viewer which can support my plug-in. also, let me know if there are available viewers which can provide plug-ins to do a similar work.
Click Title Above for Additional Info. .

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