July 25, 2007

Adobe Acrobat at Prepress Forums

PDF-X-Robotª software :: RE: CS3 - Imposition Software

Most impositions are done with a pdf or a postscript of pages after InDesign. pages are treated as components, locked in as corrected PDF. At point of corrected, approved, final pages, imposition takes place. Are you speaking of small offset impositions of like step and repeat of business cards and 4 page signatures etc? You may look at using an Acrobat plug-in like quite imposing if Read more...

Mac OS X software forum :: RE: Best font manager?

>> I hope this is the right place to ask this. Can you folks give comments on what is the best font-management program for OS X? We're looking at suitcase, but I don't care for it too much from previous experience.

>> laforce, Here is a link to this topic from a few weeks ago. As of right now, I prefer suitcases if you manage your font properly on your computer itself. Read more...

WebMaster Forum :: Google Secures Webmaster Penalty

Google has released a new way for them to notify webmasters of possible penalties with their web sites. In the past, Google sent emails, but this was abused by German hackers a couple times , so Google had to change how they handled that. Now, if you are in violation of Google's web search TOS, you will receive a notification via Google Webmaster Tools , just one more reason to Read more...

CTP Forum :: Workers at closed Mazomanie printing company

Associated Press - July 19, 2007 7:05 PM ET MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Scores of workers who lost their jobs when a printing company in Mazomanie closed have won $800,000 in back pay. Read more...

Prepress software :: New Quark Volume Licensing Reduces Costs

DENVER - Wed, 18 Jul 2007 - Quark Inc. today announced Quark Volume Licensing Program (QVLP), a new licensing program that provides volume discounts and purchase and installation management for users who purchase or upgrade five or more QuarkXPress licenses. Read more...

VDP - POD Forum :: Polestar Wheatons combats short-run demand

Polestar Wheatons plans to boost print-on-demand work after investing in an HP digital press. Read more...

[Printing News] ,Adobe seeks resolution to FedEx Kinko's

Adobe has committed to coming up with a means to resolve the dispute over Acrobat's 'Send to FedEx Kinko's' button within two weeks, following a frank meeting on Tuesday (17 July) with representatives from the US print industry. Read more...

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