March 09, 2007

Kodak Prinergy, Heidelberg Prinect Printready vs Agfa Apoge X

PDF Workflow, Prinergy, Prinect Printready vs Agfa Apoge X

Hi NYC, welcome to the group. I have been running files from Quark Xpress 6 and then 6.1 to Prinergy Rip Workflows for as long as Quark 6 has been out. Additionally, my users are regularly doing that as well, daily. So, I'm concerned about the details of what exactly that incompatability could be. I assume it is the Prinergy Xtension or something?

PDF-X-Robot is compatible to Quark Xpress 6.1 and creates compatible PDF files for EVERY rip system there is. Additionally, it comes with the InDesign CS 3.0.1 Plug-In so that you can run PDF-X-Robot with either Quark Xpress 6.1 or InDesign under a single license.

Most of these workflows like Agfa's Apogee X and Heidelberg's Prinect Printready are based on the same basic idea, they are not anything like PDF-X-Robot. The solutions out there are simply a way to print a PDF file. That is not automation. You still have configuration issues, have to make all kinds of settings, do lots of work. In my opinion, the Agfa, Heidelberg, Extensis, etc. are all the same basic product and ideas, it's a hyped up desktop printer with a few extra controls. That's why I don't use or recommend any of them, there's no true automation. . . .
Click Title Above for Additional Info. .


PatsOMac said...

Ive been assigned to lower our increasing prepress costs and file preperation. At this time we have several publications that print at three different printers. Right now we supply two of the printer with PDF/X-1a files made to their specs with drivers they provided throught Acrobat Distiller 7. We are not charged additional costs for providing these files to these printers. However the third printer requests optimized pdfs and will charge an additional fee to convert a pdf made through distiller to their specs they provide. See below the answer from the printer.

Quad wants optimized plate ready PDFs. They want "PDF/X-1a:2001 that has been Optimized Plate-Ready (Nexus, Dalim, Prinergy)" PDFs made
with Acrobat incur additional charges. That's why we are being charged conversion fees for some hi res PDF ads that are supplied to us. Here are their specs.

Hudson Yards has the Dalim system to make these PDFs.

Ive sent test files to them using both the Creo Refiner print driver, the Printergy refiner driver and the Prinergy Normalizer for Acrobat Distiller. Our response is always the same…

"Quad charges $20.60 per page to convert an Acrobat PDF to an optimized PDF. Hudson Yards would charge us slightly more, $22 per page to make an optimized PDF with their Dalim system. Either way we pay Quad's digital file handling fee of $32.56 per page."

Are we being charged a fee we shouldn't have too. Like I said, the other printers do not charge an additional fee like this.

If this is common what are some suggestions to supplying the Optimized pdf like they have requested. Would the PDF-X Robot create such a file and be beneficial to our workflow?

Any suggestions or comments would be appreciated.


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